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岩韵 | 镜头下的武夷茶艺


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Discover the essence of Wuyi Rock Tea Art with this engaging H5 created by eqxiu.com. This digital work takes you on a journey through the picturesque Wuyi Mountains, observing the grace of female tea artists as they prepare and present their exquisite rock teas. Wuyi Rock Tea, a UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site, boasts a unique blend of the freshness of green tea and the sweetness of black tea, making it the epitome of Chinese Oolong tea. Notable among these is the famous Da Hong Pao, which derives its name from a legend involving a candidate in the Ming Dynasty. The Tianxin Yuelu Temple, built in the Tang Dynasty, is also revered as the 'ancestral temple' of Da Hong Pao. The 'Three Pits and Two Ditches', representing the prime rock tea producing areas, include Niulan坑, Huoyuan坑, DaoShui坑, LiuXiang涧, and WuYuan涧. In May, join a group of friends on a trip to Wuyi Mountain, staying at the 'YiShan LanRuo' under WangJia Feng. Listen to the sound of the Lan Tang溪, and savor the rich flavors of rock tea. Even without deep knowledge, one can be captivated by the tea culture. The 'YiShan LanRuo' is nestled in the Wuyi Mountains, exuding a serene and tranquil atmosphere. Sit down in a peaceful and elegant tea room to unwind and relieve stress. Here, there is a tea called 'XiaoWen Jia', which is prepared by Chen XiaoWen, a 'National Intangible Cultural Heritage Da Hong Pao Production Technique传承人'. The beautiful tea artist, known as 'Zhu Yi', guides us through the story of 'preparing, selecting water, lighting a fire, waiting for the water to boil, and learning tea'. This H5 is a testament to the rich tea culture of Wuyi and is designed using eqxiu.com's online design platform, offering a variety of templates for quick and easy creation.


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