易企秀为您提供在线设计服务,助您轻松制作【招贤纳士企业招聘海报】。此海报以3D技术和创客汇新闻发布会为主题,突出企业招聘信息。作品包含详细的活动日程,如剪彩仪式、嘉宾致辞等,以及时间安排。快速制作,丰富模板,让您的招聘海报更具吸引力。立即使用易企秀,开启您的企业招聘之旅!诚邀您参加3D+创客汇新闻发布会,关注官方微信,了解最新动态。The conference agenda includes 3D+Makers Hub opening ceremony, VIP speeches, ribbon-cutting ceremony, media experience, and more. Join us at 9:00 am on July 16th at the Art Exhibition Center in Luohu, Shenzhen. Scan the QR code to follow the official WeChat public platform of Makers3d. Visit www.deep-3d.com for more information.