Welcome to Microsoft Surface, a product designed by eqxiu.com. This is a H5 product category, titled Salon Gathering, with a description of . The content includes SURFACE Welcome to microsoft surface 4,900 RMB, which is an opportunity to promote the development of national plan birth reproductive health public health service system and strengthen maternal and child health affairs. On May 30th, Beijing will host a national plan birth reproductive health public health service demonstration base project exchange meeting, where Chinese reproductive health industry association director Liu Yan Chun and other relevant experts leaders will attend to guide the industry policy academic direction. Additionally, many experts and professionals in the field of women's and children's affairs will share their experiences and expertise. You are invited to participate in this meeting. The project manager is Guo Ling De, the salon host is Salon Time 02:30 - Salon begins 3:30 - Summary of last period salon meeting 4:30 - Introduction to this period salon 12:30 - Salon product demonstration 14:30 - Salon lunch break 15:30 - End of salon dinner. Contact person phone email address location.