Discover the exquisite H5 creation titled 'Wanshou Sword', a masterpiece crafted by the renowned Master Zhang Yesheng. This auspicious sword, designed as a residence protection and evil expulsion ornament, is meticulously handcrafted with pure copper and features unique patterns. The handle and scabbard are adorned with the 'Longevity' character, symbolizing long life, and the 'Circle Longevity' character, representing continuous prosperity. Made from selected black sandalwood, known for its durability and luster, the sword's body is forged with thousands of hammer strikes and folded forging, resulting in a clear and beautiful pattern. The square seal of Master Zhang Yesheng adds authenticity, and the piece is presented with real photos. Created using's online design platform, with its rich templates for quick and easy customization. Visit the address: Longquangang Industrial Area, Longquan City, Lishui, Zhejiang Province, or contact directly via phone: 400-6176-186, or WeChat: liu15268786772.