Introducing the H5 work titled 'Kong Xin' crafted by the renowned Zunwuji Design Studio. This piece is a testament to the beauty of traditional Chinese aesthetics, showcasing the life journey of Kong Xin, a native of Tianjin, born in 1985. The narrative begins with Kong Xin's early exposure to the guzheng in 1990, followed by her studies at the Tianjin Music College Preparatory School in 1998, and her graduation from the college in 2004, later pursuing her Master's degree at the same institution in 2008. This engaging work combines traditional elements with modern design, reflecting the fusion of ancient culture and contemporary creativity. Designed and created using the powerful online design tools provided by Eqxiu (, this H5 piece is a perfect example of how Eqxiu's rich template library can facilitate quick and efficient production. Tel: 2325 5553. Dive into the world of Kong Xin's artistic journey and experience the blend of traditional and modern artistry through this captivating H5 work.