Discover the heartwarming story of 'Three Short of a Party' - a H5 campaign crafted using the powerful online design tools provided by This engaging digital tale unfolds the tale of four friends, Elsa, Arthur, Sophie, and Troy, who met in the beautiful city of Sanya. They spent their days working hard and their nights enjoying the seaside and delicious skewers, living life to the fullest. Time passed, and they eventually went their separate ways, leaving behind cherished memories. Three years later, the trio reunites in Zhongshan, abandoning their high-paying jobs to pursue their passions and open a hotpot restaurant, 'Three Short of a Party', in honor of their dear friend and the memories of their time together. Located at No. 21, Naji Road, Shizhi District, Zhongshan, this restaurant is a tribute to their friendship and the song of the sea. Dive into this digital masterpiece, brought to life with Eqxiu's versatile templates and easy-to-use design tools.