易企秀提供的在线设计平台,让您轻松制作出专业水准的H5课程报告作品。以“课程报告--张思涵”为例,这份作品不仅展现了外教对学生的细致评价,还体现了易企秀模板库的丰富性。课程报告内容详实,包括外教评语“Michelle was very attentive. She had severe technical problems the whole class. I could see she was saying something but there was no sound. This prevented her from being active at answering and reading. I hope that next time we will have a much better interaction. Well done, Michelle! Comments外教评语 Michelle非常地细心。不过课堂上她有一些技术上面的问题,我能看到她是在说什么话但是听不到她的声音,这样就减少了她回答问题”等,充分展示了易企秀模板的灵活运用。使用易企秀,您可以快速上手,无需复杂设计,即享专业效果。