Discover the incredible H5 work titled '功夫动漫' crafted by Eqxiu, the leading online design platform. This dynamic and innovative animation company dreams of becoming the world's largest animation industry trading platform, valued at over $1 billion, and creating the most value for their clients, propelling Chinese animation to rival Disney. With a team of industry-leading animators and the groundbreaking 'Kungfu Animation Network', they have become the top animation marketing platform in China in just 7 years. Recognized as a national animation enterprise, a leader in Fujian's animation industry, and a provincial cultural base, they have a 40% market share in China's animation industry and have secured millions in investments from top venture capital firms. This work showcases the passion and creativity of the company, led by founder Li Zhubing, a multiple award-winning designer and the creator of the mascot 'Tongtong' for the Sixth National Farmers' Games. Eqxiu's online design tools enable users to quickly and efficiently create stunning works like this, leveraging a rich library of templates.