Discover the heartwarming story of Team's memories with this engaging H5 creation. Crafted by, this online design platform offers a rich collection of templates, enabling quick and effortless creation. The title, 'Team's Memory', resonates with the slogan 'We are all good socialist youth'. The content takes you on a journey through the years, capturing moments of joy, laughter, and song. It celebrates the spirit of adventure with a 'Not Normal' travel experience, highlighting the bold spirit of the team. From the everyday delights of scallion dumplings to the anticipated Long Island adventure, this H5 showcases the team's life beyond the mundane. Embark on this culinary and cultural exploration, as it leads you through 'The Eye Of The TeamStrom' in the vibrant city of Beijing, China. For more details, consult the headquarters project group management office at CMO: Zhi Tong.