Discover the exclusive blend of global best-selling Chateauneuf-du-Pape歪脖子 dry red wine and Cuban cigars in this exquisite H5 masterpiece by Eqxiu. This online design creation from showcases the launch of the new歪脖子 series with 6 mouthwatering dry reds, each paired with a distinctive twist. Dive into the history of歪脖子, a collaboration between the Porte family of the Rhône Valley and glass and ceramic artisans from Provence, which was introduced in 1952 and has since captivated wine enthusiasts worldwide, becoming the number one Chateauneuf-du-Pape brand globally (with an annual global sales of 460,000 bottles). The unique bottle shape, resembling the gnarled vines that have grown in the fight against the northwesterly winds, imparts a sense of timelessness with its rough, greyish surface that seems to have accumulated a century of dust. Highlighted are the top-selling varieties from Robert Parker with scores of 88, 89, and 90 points, each available for a single bottle at 288, 298, and 588 RMB respectively. Experience the ultimate feast with Eqxiu's online design tool, featuring a rich collection of templates for quick and efficient creation.
La fiole du Pape and Cigars