Discover the enchanting world of Disney with the new Angel Baby Superpower Phone Watch, brought to life by Eqxiu's online design platform ( This H5 masterpiece highlights the K1 Special Edition of the Angel Baby Children's Phone Watch, designed to keep your little ones safe and focused during school hours. With features like safe and secure communication, real-time location tracking, and a 1.44-inch full-color screen, this smart fairy tale watch offers comprehensive protection. The multiple signal and location tracking systems ensure accurate and rapid positioning. Parents can set up electronic fences and receive instant alerts if their child steps out of a safe zone. Trace their child's daily route with ease and listen in on their growth through remote listening features. The watch, available in Sky Blue, Heart Red, and Charm Pink, provides peace of mind with its school mode, allowing parents to silence the watch during class hours. Experience the Eqxiu difference in online design with a variety of templates for quick and easy creation.