Discover the artistic journey of Xiao Qian, a member of the Gemini Band from Hangzhou, specialized in a variety of commercial performances. This H5 piece, crafted with the powerful online design capabilities of, showcases the evolution of Xiao Qian from a dancer and model in 2007-2008 to a bar singer and dance team leader in 2009-2010. The content highlights her transition to a professional dancer and performer in 2011-2012, followed by a contract singer at a five-star hotel from 2013-2014. Since 2015, Xiao Qian has led her dance team to sign up with provincial chain restaurants and establish the Gemini Band, catering to major commercial events. The band specializes in English, pop, and jazz music, along with Japanese and ethnic dances. With a 58% commercial performance ratio and a diverse range of venues including auto shows, bars, restaurants, and real estate exhibitions, the Gemini Band continues to captivate audiences. To access more performance videos and resources, follow their official WeChat account by scanning the QR code above. Contact information: Mobile: 86-157-1581-5081, WeChat: hu520131, WeChat Official Account: GeminiBand. Collaborate with the Gemini Band for your next event.