Discover the heartfelt H5 creation by, tailored for a compassionate event by Ciyuan Company. This interactive and beautifully crafted H5 showcases the Ciyuan family's special release and prayer activity, masterminded by the Venerable WuMiao on May 30, 2015. The piece highlights the collective功德 (merit) of the family, with a donation of 2796 yuan to rescue and release beings from harm. The H5 beautifully illustrates the release of various life forms, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all life and the karmic cycle. With the guidance of Venerable WuMiao, the family engages in prayers for the well-being of all beings, reflecting a profound sense of gratitude and compassion. This Eqxiu-powered online design showcases a rich variety of templates, making it easy to create such impactful content swiftly.