易企秀公司提供的在线设计工具,为您呈现由汪海炼&潘玉琳倾情打造的【大师摄影】H5婚礼作品。此作品以清新自然的风格,恭贺两位新人恩恩爱爱到白头,永浴爱河。2016年正月十一,汪海炼与潘玉琳携手步入婚姻殿堂,他们的爱情故事在作品中娓娓道来。'WE GET MARRIDE',跟随我们的镜头,走进他们的爱情故事,感受那份无言的浪漫。'Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered,love understands love;it needs no talk,love is a fire which burns unseen。You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you。Love is not a matter of counting the days. It's making the days count. Love is not a matter of counting time.' 这段深情告白,正是他们爱情的真实写照。易企秀丰富的模板库,让您轻松快速制作出独具匠心的H5作品,让爱情故事永留心间。