Discover the heartwarming Crowdfunding Packages created using's Online Design platform. This engaging H5 piece, titled 'Crowdfunding Packages', highlights the production of a short film that aims to capture the essence of love across cities. The producer, Emmanuel Benbihy, known for his work in 'New York, I Love You', 'Paris, I Love You', and 'Rio, I Love You', has brought his Cities of Love series to Shanghai. The initiative features a 2016 Student Microfilm Collection Contest, with 15 selected scripts. The grand awards ceremony for outstanding works and students will take place in June 2016. With 83 scripts received, the school's submissions have made it to the top 15. Currently, the short film is in the production and shooting phase. This project is seeking funding from friends, family, and their networks to cover the basic budget for the film. This initiative is a social project, made possible through's powerful and versatile online design tools, allowing for quick and efficient creation of engaging H5 content.