探索心灵深处的宁静与智慧,《自在聆听|晨读原著》H5作品,由易企秀(eqxiu.com)提供的在线设计平台精心打造。本作品精选自《生命之书—365天静心冥想》二月十四日篇目,以克里希那穆提的经典原著《If we had no belief, what would happen to us? Shouldn’t we be very frightened of what might happen? If we had no pattern of action, based on a belief—either in God, or in communism, or in socialism, or in imperialism, or in some kind of religious formula, some dogma in which we are conditioned—we should feel utterly lost, shouldn’t we?And is not this acceptance》为引,通过胡因梦的译文,带领读者领略克氏原文的精髓。易企秀的丰富模板库让用户能够快速制作出专业级的H5作品,无论是企业宣传、个人展示还是教育推广,都能轻松应对。体验易企秀,开启您的创意之旅!