E-qxiu, the leading online design platform, proudly presents this professional H5 invitation for a speaker. The title '讲师邀请函' signifies a special invitation from the training department of Cao Chuang, a respected figure in the life insurance industry, to join the '四五扩军 筑梦泰康' event held from April 13 to 17, 2016, in Liupanshui. The invitation highlights the speaker's expertise in the field, inviting them to deliver a session titled '我的客户在哪里' at the Liupanshui Branch's multifunctional classroom on April 15, 2016, from 11:00 AM to 11:50 AM. The invitation includes contact details for the organizers, showing a commitment to effective communication. E-qxiu's platform allows for quick and efficient creation of such professional H5s, leveraging its extensive template library to meet diverse needs.