Embark on a virtual journey with 'My Travel', an engaging H5 travel-themed project brought to you by Eqxiu, the leading online design platform. This collection showcases an array of explorations across the globe, including the scenic Danube in Germany, the majestic Alps of Italy, the serene Ontario in America, the rugged Rocky Mountains of Canada, the frigid Arctic of Russia and Skandinavien in Norway. Dive into the rich cultural heritage of the Diaoyu Island in China, the charming Wales in Great Britain, and the breathtaking Hokkaido in Japan. The Pyrenees-Mont Perdu in France adds a touch of European charm. With Eqxiu's intuitive interface and a vast library of templates, creating stunning H5 projects like 'My Travel' is quick and effortless. Discover the beauty of the world with Eqxiu's powerful online design tools.