Discover the cutting-edge H5 multimedia experience designed for Audi A4L and A5 models with the 7-inch high-definition screen. This sophisticated multimedia system features an interface that mimics the original car style, offering a 7-inch full HD display for a seamless touch experience. With precise GPS navigation, real-time路口实景放大, and an integrated electronic dog function, it ensures a safe and convenient driving experience. The full-screen touch capability allows for accurate operation, while the advanced navigation system provides comprehensive guidance. Additionally, the built-in行车记录仪 captures ultra-wide-angle high-definition videos, serving as a crucial evidence in case of accidents. The intelligent Bluetooth phone system allows for hands-free calls, supporting the original car button to answer calls, ensuring safety while driving. The ultra-thin dedicated host supports high-definition video playback, making car trips entertaining. The backup camera system includes an original car radar array, dynamic reverse trajectory, and a display of the rearview image on the screen, making it an essential safety feature. This powerful and comprehensive multimedia system is brought to you by Eqxiu, the leading provider of online design solutions, allowing for quick and easy creation with a variety of templates.