Introducing the H5 category work titled 'Harbin Institute of Technology Foreign Language Training'. This project, hosted by the Harbin Institute of Technology's Continuing Education College, boasts years of teaching experience and a dedicated teaching approach, resulting in high exam pass rates and positive feedback from students and parents. Tailored to meet students' needs and societal demands, the 'Harbin Institute of Technology Foreign Language Training' program is open to the public. The program leverages the high-quality educational resources of Harbin Institute of Technology, a top-tier expert team, standardized teaching methods, the latest exam information, and support from multiple official authoritative institutions. These unique learning conditions ensure students' success. Upon completion of the course, students meeting the graduation standards are awarded a certificate from the Harbin Institute of Technology Continuing Education College. The German course, highly recognized by students, features a strong team of elite teachers and a combination of Chinese and foreign textbooks for teaching. The four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are enhanced simultaneously. Students in this course achieved a high pass rate of 95% in the Goethe Institute exam held at Harbin Institute of Technology in 2015, earning high praise from the examiners. This work was created using the online design platform, which provides a rich library of templates for quick and easy creation.