Discover the wonders of the world with 'My travel', a captivating H5 project meticulously crafted by the professionals at This interactive travel showcase takes you on a virtual journey across diverse landscapes and cultures. From the scenic Danube in Germany to the majestic Alps of Italy, the project beautifully encapsulates the essence of European travel. Cross the Atlantic to explore the vastness of Ontario in America, and the rugged Rocky Mountains of Canada. The Arctic's untouched beauty is unveiled in Russia, while the enchanting Skandinavien in Norway offers a serene escape. The journey continues to the historical Diaoyu Island in China and the picturesque Wales in Great Britain. The adventure then takes you to the vibrant Hokkaido in Japan and the majestic Pyrenees-Mont Perdu in France. With's online design platform, users can easily create stunning H5 experiences like 'My travel' using a rich collection of templates. The platform's intuitive interface allows for quick and efficient design, making it accessible for both beginners and seasoned designers.