This H5 titled 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR MR.J' is a heartfelt creation that celebrates the special bond between friends. Crafted using the online design platform, this personalized H5 showcases the journey of two individuals from mere classmates to close companions. The story begins on a special day, August 24, and traces their friendship from their first encounter in the Year of the Sheep to their current chapter. The narrative highlights the evolution of their relationship, from being just another student with a lot of pens to becoming a dear friend with a shared promise on July 18, 2010. Despite facing the challenges of distance and time, their friendship has blossomed, and their story is told through the eyes of one another. The H5 is a testament to the beauty of enduring friendships, brought to life with rich templates and easy-to-use design tools from, making it a quick and effortless creation for anyone looking to share a unique and meaningful message.