Discover a unique Children's Day gift creation by Eqxiu's online design platform. 'Childhood's Special Gift: China Gold - Auspicious Triple Treasure' is a Heartwarming H5 piece that beautifully encapsulates the essence of family and love. The story begins with the narrator looking forward to growing up to embark on life's journey, only to realize that the journey has brought them back to family, symbolized by the phrase 'There are leaves before there are flowers, and there are flowers before there are fruits, and there is love before there is a home.' The H5 showcases the precious jewelry sets, each representing the love, hope, and support of parents to their child. The child's bead is adorned with lotus seeds, symbolizing the love结晶 and hope for the family. The mother's bead features a lotus, representing the symbol of maternal love. The father's bead is adorned with lotus leaves, embodying the backbone of the family. This H5 not only celebrates the joy of giving but also the significance of giving to parents, conveying care and gratitude. The 'Auspicious Triple Treasure' set is priced at 1280 RMB per set. Create your own personalized and meaningful H5 with Eqxiu's extensive template library, making it easy and fast to bring your ideas to life.