Discover the power of's online design platform with our comprehensive H5 category creation tool - the '易企秀使用手册'. This masterpiece showcases the seamless blend of personalized and templated creation, powered by Eqxiu's mobile scene self-marketing assistant. It's completely free to use, offering an array of scene applications and comprehensive management features. The user guide walks you through the Android and iOS client interfaces, allowing you to view and manage scene data, promote scenes, and create scenes with ease. Features include adding and editing registration forms, deleting and copying individual scene pages, editing text and images, adding effects, and incorporating background music, images, videos, and text. Page templates can be added and customized, and scene names can be modified with just a few clicks. Navigate through various components and elements such as text, background, music, video, images, input boxes, buttons, galleries, and more. Elevate your H5 creations with Eqxiu's intuitive and versatile design tools.