Discover Hilton in Sanya (4 nights), an exclusive H5 work designed using the 'Online Design' feature provided by Eqxiu ( Enjoy a 5-day trip with 4 nights of stay at an international luxury Hilton hotel in Sanya, with the promise of a free re-trip if you're not satisfied. The package includes round-trip flights from Kunming to Sanya and back, with a variety of high-quality dining options. The itinerary highlights Sanya's most famous attractions, including the Scenic Area of Wuzhizhou Island, Xiyu Island, Nanshan, Binglang Valley, Tianya Haijiao, Yalong Bay Rose Valley, and Yeatian Ancient Village. With a commitment to no additional shopping stops and a penalty of 2000 RMB if violated, this package ensures a worry-free vacation. The Hilton experience includes a grand lobby and swimming pool. This H5 work is created with Eqxiu's rich template library, allowing for quick and easy production.