Discover the captivating tale of 'Footprints,' an engaging H5 interactive story brought to life by Eqxiu's online design platform. This summer-themed narrative delves into the emotional journey of a protagonist whose heart is shielded, while their summer adventure is just beginning. The story is richly woven with elements of fantasy, as it follows the character Huang Baoshu, a bloodline holder of the highest rank, who is bound by a contract with Coud Van Kiruit, a wind attribute entity. Influenced by the thoughts of Eddie Lou Tiny, the character experiences a conflict with their only family member, Glina, and eventually decides to run away. Glina seals her offspring to prevent them from entering Aidilu garden, adding depth to this intriguing tale. With Eqxiu, creating such compelling narratives is as easy as a few clicks, thanks to their vast library of templates that can be quickly customized to fit any creative vision. is your go-to platform for online design, where imagination meets technology, and storytelling comes alive.