Discover the delightful offer of 'Free Dragon Fruit Tasting' brought to you by Eqxiu's online design platform, which offers a vast array of templates for quick and easy H5 creation. This captivating H5, 'Embracing your health - Green Tea Life', showcases the pure delight of farm-fresh, 100% organic dragon fruit from an Ecological Farm, ensuring health and sustainability. The promotion is further enhanced with an invitation from the charming business owner, offering a limited free tasting experience to 188 lucky friends. The tasting rules are clear, specifying that each member can collect only one dragon fruit, and they must share their experience on WeChat moments to be part of this exclusive event. The tasting is exclusively for residents in the 9 districts of Chongqing and Pengshui County, with options for free pick-up or a small delivery fee. If you're interested in ordering, simply contact them at 400-899-0051. The product is available in packages of 188 pieces, each weighing over 5 pounds with 6 to 8 fruits. With shipping included, this health-conscious promotion is an excellent opportunity to explore the goodness of organic farming, supported by Eqxiu's powerful design tools.