Introducing the H5 business greeting card '2016 拜年啦' created using the online design platform This vibrant and festive card is a perfect way to convey the warmest wishes from the entire staff of Platinum Group. The card showcases a lively scene of joy and togetherness during the New Year celebrations, with a cheerful atmosphere filled with traditional Chinese New Year foods and family gatherings. The content is filled with heartfelt New Year wishes for happiness, prosperity, and health. With, users can quickly and easily design such engaging H5 greeting cards by selecting from a rich collection of templates, making it an ideal solution for businesses looking to connect with their audience in a creative and personalized manner. The card not only serves as a heartfelt New Year greeting but also doubles as a marketing tool, featuring contact information and a VIP booking number for Platinum Group's hotel. Scan the QR code to become friends and enjoy the convenience of their services. Located in Jining, Shandong, Platinum Group's hotel offers VIP dining and accommodation services. Call 0537-8715678 for VIP dining and 05 for VIP accommodation.