信维电子科技开园仪式邀请函—Kevin KimINVITATION A striving legend·A lifelong memory Sunway Electronic Technology Park Opening Ceremony Yiyang, Hunan | October 31, 2023 Dear Kevin Kim: Aiming highly, forging ahead. With the dream of serving the country with developing the industry, Sunway Family always adhere to scientific and technological innovation, and are committed to creating trustworthy and innovative products and solutions. 在激动人心的开园典礼上,信维电子科技携手各界精英,为新时代下的工业高地画下了新的绘卷。让我们一起聆听盛世的号角,在同道中行,我们将为这个美好的世界赋予更辉煌的未来!易企秀提供在线设计,丰富的模板可快速制作H5作品。