Guangzhou Library, a public cultural and social education institution established by the Guangzhou municipal government, serves all the public. It provides various services based on the collection, organization, and storage of knowledge information including paper literature, audio-visual products, and digital resources. This library offers resource borrowing and delivery, information consultation, exhibitions, lectures, art appreciation, cultural displays, digital network services, as well as public learning, research, and exchange spaces. It conducts social reading promotion activities. The library has thematic collections such as 'Art and Design Materials' and 'Guangzhou Local Documents,' with special rooms for these materials. The 'Art and Design Materials' room is located in the foreign book and periodical room to cater to deeper needs in these themes, showcasing the thoughtful design of the Guangzhou Library. The old library of Guangzhou Library, which opened on January 2, 1982, and was located at 42 Zhongshan 4th Road, Yuexiu District, closed on April 1, 2013, and was transformed into the Guangzhou Children's Library. This H5 category work has been beautifully crafted using the online design platform provided by Eqxiu (, which offers a rich template library for quick and easy creation.