Discover the New Epoch Lilac Kindergarten, an international kindergarten that offers a comprehensive and sophisticated educational environment. Situated in Shanghai, this kindergarten, known as Shanghai New Epoch Lilac Kindergarten (SNELK), has been established with advanced standards and high-quality education in mind. Founded in 2012, it spans an area of 4000 square meters and houses 2200 square meters of building space, with seven teaching classes available, including international and bilingual classes. This elegant and well-managed facility provides a full-day program for young learners. The kindergarten, a product of the New Epoch Education Group, showcases its facilities and educational philosophy through a beautifully crafted H5 presentation. Made with the help of Eqxiu's online design tools, this interactive and visually appealing H5 showcases the kindergarten's unique atmosphere and the rich educational resources it offers. With Eqxiu's extensive template library, creating such an engaging and professional presentation is quick and easy, making it an ideal platform for brand promotion and educational communication.
New Epoch Lilac Kindergarten