SINCErely invite you to the 2024届高三高考百日誓师大会 held on February 28th, 2024 at凌云剧场 in the address of和王宴岭路8号 in the苏州高新区第一中学科技城校. The event aims to encourage students to work hard and strive for success in the upcoming高考, and to motivate them to achieve their goals by singing the "Year of the Tiger" by Chinese University of Hong Kong professor Lee I-Ming, and listening to the performance of "篇章" by the school's music program. We also invite all the students, families, and teacher from the 2024届高三班 to participate in the event, and to share in the excitement and energy of the参加高考. We look forward to your presence and support at the百日誓师大会.