H5品类作品,标题是品端午-华东师范大学附属双语学校端午节特别活动,描述为端午Dragon boat festival这是我们中国人沿袭了两千多年的一个传统节日......It's a traditional Chinese festival with a 2000-year history .这一天,我们会纪念他...... On this day, we commemorate a man····品尝粽子Rice dumplingTaste佩戴香囊Incense bags划龙舟Make incense bags邀您与我们一起细品端午由来,体验传统民俗,过一个不一般的端午节ECNUAS is honoured to invite you to our Dragon Boat Festival celebration on June 20th. We shall take you on an amazing cultural journey through the history, customs and traditions of this special festival .