Introducing a personal resume H5 creation by Li Danni, a 18-year-old from Nanyugou Town, Handan City, Hebei Province. This cultural town, known for filial piety, showcases her hobbies such as singing, badminton, shopping, and her love for making friends. Graduated from Handan Vocational Education Center with a major in E-commerce, she believes in the importance of the internet era and its role in modern employment. Her skills include Photoshop, CAD, 3D MAX, PPT, Office, DW, and Flash. The resume is a testament to her positivity, curiosity, and courage. She has a portfolio of classroom assignments, school promotional pages, and completed graduation projects, which are just a glimpse of her work. Created using the powerful online design platform of, this H5 resume offers a quick and efficient way to showcase personal achievements and skills, making it an excellent tool for job seekers.