Discover the captivating story of 'Weibo Building' through this exquisite H5 creation. In 2005, renowned artist Mr. Huang Yongyu visited the 'Habai Xiaobo Warehouse' in Guangzhou, where the 'Habai Xiaobo Warehouse' served as a 'livable museum'. On his departure, he named the space 'Weibo Building'. This name signifies the combination of 'Weibo' from Habai Xiaobo and 'Weibo' from Huang Yongyu. The 'Weibo Building' represents a shared artistic and life ideal pavilion, a beautiful art space brimming with imaginative ideas. Harvy, an American artist, transformed this 13 yuan per square meter warehouse and an ugly, dilapidated office into a space of rebirth. Each piece of art in the space is crafted by Chinese artisans, and every arrangement of items reflects Harvy's 50 years of experience in Western spatial art and lifestyle design. This H5 showcases how Harvy integrates the East and West, creating a space that blends artistic content, color, texture, size, symmetry, and height variation. Experience Harvy's vision for a space that embodies artistic lifestyle through this engaging H5, crafted using the powerful online design tools provided by With a wide range of templates available for quick and easy creation, empowers artists and designers to bring their visions to life.