Discover the captivating '2016 International Gold Award Grand Circus' H5 masterpiece brought to you by Eqxiu's online design platform. This grand show features a magical, unusual, and thrilling spectacle right at your fingertips. Experience the beauty and danger intertwined with enchanting melodies, charming dance, and stunning performances that stimulate your senses. Witness the fierce competition between twelve Siberian tigers and their beautiful trainers, the mystical skills of the elephant riders, and the grandeur of the Siberian royal cavalry. This isn't just a TV show; it's the International Gold Award-winning circus brought to you by Eqxiu, making it accessible from the comfort of your home. Enjoy this grand event in Wuhan, Hubei, China from April to June 2016. The grand circus is currently seeking investors with a fiery opening for a 75 Acrobat, 90-minute performance spanning 45 days. Eqxiu's platform offers a rich variety of templates, enabling quick and easy creation of such captivating content.