Discover the charming world of childhood captured in this METOO儿童摄影's H5 micro-magazine, '我是来自沪上的萌宝-小马'. Crafted using the powerful online design tools from, this interactive showcase beautifully illustrates the innocence and joy of youth. Photography by jimmy, it features a delightful journey through the simple yet profound happiness of childhood, filled with toys, praise, and unforgettable moments.METOO咪兔儿童摄影 invites you to relive those cherished times and explore the joy of photography with their upcoming浦东店体验。With a range of packages from 299 to 1398, there's something for everyone to capture their little one's milestones. Experience the magic of METOO's photography at their new location:浦东新区锦绣路3336弄香榭丽大道50号, call 4000827837 or 13918180746 for more information.