Happy New Year!
Our 2024年货节 is here!
In this event, you can experience the萧山年味 and enjoy a wide range of traditional dishes, including土鸡蛋和高山番薯.
You can also get a great deal on年货礼包 and save money on shopping.
During the event, we will hold various workshops and shows, such as the萧山本味专区, where you can find萧山本地特色美食.
We also have a农业电商专区, where you can find unique agricultural products and products from other countries.
We also have a非遗美食区, where you can experience the unique culture and customs of the非物质文化遗产.
In addition, we will also have a游玩专区, where you can find activities to enjoy during the event, such as a dragon's head display and a performance by杂技魔术团队.
Finally, we have a非遗文创区, where you can find all kinds of cultural文创 products, such as traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting materials.
During the event, you can also participate in various games and activities to enjoy and save.
Overall, this event is a great opportunity to experience the萧山年味 and learn about the traditional dishes, customs, and cultures of our region.
Let's have a great time together!
萧山经济促进会 年·在一起 年货节