请在WIFI环境下欣赏。一夕之间,季节转换了冷暖。心事还在盛夏的夜里辗转,眼前已然是一派深秋的清寒。伸手触摸一瓣落花飘飞的思念,耳畔萦绕着词人半世的沧桑和遗憾:人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。 Autumn, chasing a brush of golden, meeting a basket of warmth, preserving a moment of encounter. This season, autumn, clear, quiet. Clearing the ink on paper, shallowening the scars left by time, quietly leaning in the depth of time, watching flowers bloom and leaves fall, turning years. Maybe, tomorrow, flowers will fall, leaving a scattered mess. Memories, however, are brilliant. If there is to be reincarnation, I would like to become a tree, a spirit of a leaf, witnessing all of autumn Autumn rain, melancholy. Autumn flowers, dazzling. Autumn's footsteps, running in the wind. Holding a transparent umbrella, lingering in front of flowers, freezing the most beautiful moment. The mood is as simple and clear, sitting by the window, a cup of wine, a clear song, letting all the hustle and bustle pass through my gaze. Waiting for the wind to dry the color, on white paper, memories have already been worn out. When autumn winds are fierce, when love has become a song, who is waiting in the season where leaves are falling, for a red smoke bomb? From starlight appearing, to the sunset of the west mountain, letting busy days turn into a cup of crystal wine.