Monica, a 95-year-old imaginative Taurean girl, is known as 'Xia Mei' by her friends and has an English name, Monica. Raised to be independent and strong, she has always been aware that adherence to principles and a determined character can lead to a more vibrant life. A former dance major, Monica's dreams were often just beyond reach. She has since developed her artistic side, particularly drawn to painting eyes, as they bring life to a painting. Her room is adorned with cartoon characters, and she enjoys reading and photography, capturing moments with the ferris wheel, the fairy-tale carousel, and the beauty of nature. Monica cherishes solo travels, seeking lost emotions and beautiful sceneries, such as the Erhai Lake, Cangshan Mountains, Jinli, and Kunming. She loves the freedom of wandering yet finds comfort in a cozy home. Monica is a skilled cook and has a sweet tooth. This H5 was beautifully crafted using the online design tools provided by Eqxiu, where a wide variety of templates can be utilized for quick and efficient creation.