Welcome to our Yixin year-end gratitude campaign! Created with Eqxiu's online design platform, this engaging H5 showcases the theme 'Yixin Wealth Gratitude Event: Family Education.' It addresses common parenting challenges, such as the struggle of raising responsible, empathetic, and proactive children in a joyful childhood. The content delves into questions like why children find it hard to eat, sleep, or complete homework, and how to handle setbacks without resorting to punishment or rewards. The H5 introduces Positive Discipline, a method that fosters problem-solving skills in a respectful environment. It includes experiential learning activities, role-playing, group discussions, and brainstorming sessions, designed to help parents understand their child's world and reevaluate their parent-child relationships. Alongside family education, it also features a rich financial literacy program. With Eqxiu, creating such an impactful and informative H5 is made easy and fast with a variety of templates at your disposal.