For further enhancing the company's leadership level and improving employee competitiveness, building a gold team, on September 6, 2023, Chenguang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. held a leadership training meeting at its headquarters. The company's department heads attended the training meeting in total more than 20 people. Chenguang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. · MEETING INTRODUCED Training points 2023 year 9 term Chenguang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. · KEY POINTS TRAINING This training focuses on improving leadership, aiming to improve all management personnel's leadership, with rich content, fitting work, easy to understand, and strong applicability. Strengthened the leadership of all leaders, improved practicality, promoted the company's business stable development, and laid a solid foundation for winning 2024. Training lecturer 2023 year 9 term Chenguang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. · TRAINING LECTURER Shen Zhu Dui (Manager) , Tang Xiao Li / Peng Shu Dui / Chen Hong / Wang Li , The training was led by Peng Shu Dui and attended by more than 20 department heads. The meeting aimed to enhance the company's leadership level, improve employee competitiveness, and build a gold team. The training focused on improving leadership skills, with practical content that was easy to understand and had strong applicability. It strengthened the leadership of all leaders, improved practicality, promoted business stable development, and laid a solid foundation for winning 2024.