Discover the charm of ZOO coffee shop with our powered H5 creation. This summer, we invite you to experience the refreshing breeze of our signature drinks, including PeiJu Black Beauty and One-meter Sunshine, both priced at 35RMB per cup. Each cup is a journey of flavors, from the subtle aroma of chrysanthemum to the rich sweetness of rock sugar, and from the classic scent of Japanese brown rice to the tangy sweetness of grapefruit. The H5 showcases a collection of refreshing beverages that celebrate the summer love and tranquility. From the juicy peach flavor of 'Peach Story' to the sweet-tart荔枝苹果青柠混合的 'Sweet Moments,' each drink is crafted to evoke a sense of happiness and togetherness. Designed using the online design platform, this H5 offers a quick and easy way to create engaging and visually appealing content for your coffee shop promotions.