Discover the allure of Blackbutt, an Australian hardwood renowned for its natural color and high durability. This exceptional wood species, chosen by Beijing Yuanhong Dongsheng Trading Co., Ltd., is now brought to China from Boral Timber Company, making it accessible to more people. Boral Timber Company, with a history of over a century, has grown to become one of Australia's largest hardwood product manufacturers and a leader in the industry. Their Blackbutt三层实木复合地板 is a favorite among Australians for its natural color and high耐磨耐久性, often used both indoors and outdoors to complement the home environment. Create stunning H5 presentations with Eqxiu's online design platform, featuring a rich collection of templates for quick and easy creation.
Boral地板--澳洲黑基木 北京源宏东胜