Discover the heartwarming tale of love and companionship in the H5 category work titled '2015 Green Love'. This exquisite piece showcases the enduring bond between two souls, encapsulating the essence of love, loyalty, and togetherness. With 'The father is a tiger, and the son is not a dog; the general is strong, and there is no weak soldier!' as its slogan, the work beautifully conveys the strength and resilience of love. Composed by, the leading online design platform, this work is crafted with Eqxiu's rich array of templates, allowing for rapid and efficient creation. Dive into the story of 'Life and death are close, and with you, I have made a promise; holding your hand, walking with you until the end. Loving you is loving you, because you are you. You come to this world, you must see the sun, besides your beloved, there is us. All your happiness, I will keep it for you. Thank you for being by my side. The courtyard with trees by the Houhai Lake, the jade of the Xia Dynasty. The clouds of this moment, the 20-something you. We are intimate and independent for you to love yourself better. I celebrate Valentine's Day like a primary school student, Singles' Day like a college student, and Children's Day like a child. Among the myriad of people, I meet you. Love is the best timing, the best version of yourself. Is it still just you on Valentine's Day? No, we are a group of people. I Love You, Do You Love Me? Love is a gentle stream, love is undisturbed by praise or blame, love ages with time.', this created work beautifully highlights the power of love and the beauty of togetherness.