Discover the exclusive privileges offered to Xingyi Yixintang customers with the captivating H5 campaign titled 'Come Here, Celebrate the 'Buy'!' Crafted with the powerful online design tool provided by Eqxiu (, this H5 showcases a rich array of templates for quick and effective creation. The campaign highlights the pre-order promotion from August 8th to 26th, exclusively available at all Yixintang stores in Xingyi city. It features exciting giveaways for pre-orders over certain amounts: a washbasin for orders over 200 RMB, a folding umbrella for orders over 600 RMB, and a cushion cover for orders over 1000 RMB. Customers who reach the designated pre-order amounts will enjoy these gifts. Online booking is available, with a confirmation call from staff following submission of pre-order information within the specified period.