Seven日咖夜酒一周年庆典邀请函是由易企秀公司提供的在线设计作品。该作品属于H5品类,标题为Seven WELCOMETOYOU [关/于/我/们] Seven 有爱 有茶 有咖啡 有酒 有烟 有音乐。生活的终极浪漫在这里 随性的露营风让你放松。时常更换的主题让你每次来都有有惊喜。跟朋友们坐着窗边吃着小吃抽着水烟喝着威士忌,再时不时跟着音乐哼唱两句。我希望将这种美妙的体验感传递给每一个人 Seven has love, tea, coffee, wine, smoke and music. The ultimate romance of life here is that the casual camping style relaxes you. The theme that changes from time to time makes you have a surprise every time you come.