Introducing a creative H5 work titled 'Back to School Season' crafted by Eqxiu, a leading online design platform. This engaging piece highlights the vibrant atmosphere of 'Konggang International' during the back-to-school rush. It narrates the story of young students embarking on a new semester filled with aspirations and guidance from caring mentors. The content showcases the lush greenery of the two parks and the million square meters of natural oxygen, ensuring a healthy environment for the children. The work encourages artistic expression through chocolate DIY sessions and freehand drawing of characters and pets. The high-quality, luxurious spaces are designed for family comfort and offer a unique living experience. The virtual reality games allow adults to reconnect with their youthful innocence. 'Konggang International' promises an unparalleled lifestyle, blending luxury, convenience, and quality. This Eqxiu-designed H5 is a perfect blend of creativity and technology, ready to be shared and experienced by all.