Introducing the Away VR Engine, an innovative VR solution provided by Eqxiu, a leading online design platform. The Away VR Engine, introduced in November 2015, is designed to address the current challenges in VR technology. To achieve full immersive presence, high frame rates (over 90 frames per second), low latency (less than 20 milliseconds), and high-resolution screens (up to 16K pixels) are required. However, current hardware technology is not keeping pace. The Away VR Engine tackles these issues by leveraging advanced rendering technology to prioritize high-resolution visuals around the focal center and eye-tracking. It also incorporates efficient culling and occlusion algorithms to ensure smooth visuals without unnecessary GPU resource usage. The engine supports seamless transitions between indoor and outdoor scenes with infinite map sizes. Additionally, it features powerful action, effects, and model editors, freeing up developers from the complexities of artistic processing, thereby significantly enhancing productivity and saving time and effort.