Explore the latest 2016 collection of AMYDANCE Apparel, a brand that stands for originality and timeless fashion in dance wear. Featuring the new AMYDANCE dancewear collection, this H5 showcases the elegance of modern dance attire with products like the stylish modern pants and embossed velvet dance dresses. Designed and brought to life using the powerful online design tools from Eqxiu.com, this H5 presentation highlights the ease and speed of creating professional-looking content. With a rich library of templates, Eqxiu.com empowers users to craft captivating digital experiences. Don't miss out on the pre-sales and stay updated by contacting the customer service at WeChat ID: 1939113947 and following the official AMYDANCE Apparel WeChat account. AMYDANCE Apparel, a symbol of fashion and dance wear excellence.